Caring for Your Lawn in Winter

Unlike in other countries where lawn care essentially stops during the onset of winter, Australian property owners have their work cut out for them during this season.

It may be tempting to stop yard work during winter due to the lacklustre appearance of your turf. However, if you put in good work during the cooler months, you can make your lawn look vibrant and healthy.

Here are some of the basic tasks you need to perform when caring for your lawn in winter.

Give your lawn ample sunlight

During the warmer months, experts advise leaving grass clippings after mowing. Grass clippings can provide much-needed nutrients from the grass. Plus, leaving the clippings behind can save you a ton of work.

pretty grass

However, during autumn and winter, it is advisable to remove leaves and clippings from the turf. Removing these ensures that the grass gets the ample amounts of sunlight and air it needs to thrive during the cooler months.

If you’ve got lots of trees planted on your property, you might also want to prune these to ensure that your lawn gets more sunlight.

Mow higher and less frequently

When the cooler months set in, you will notice that the grass grows slower. During this period, it is advisable to raise the mowing height to prevent damaging the grass which can result in scalping and browning. Repeated scalping, in turn, weakens the grass and leaves it vulnerable to the onslaught of diseases and weeds.

In mowing your lawn, do not cut the grass lower than 2.5 cm. And instead of mowing the grass every week, mow your lawn once every three or four weeks, depending on the type of grass on your property. Alternatively, you can mow your lawn when the length of the grass’s blades exceeds 6 cm.

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Soil aeration

High volume of foot traffic combined with higher temperatures can lead to soil compaction, which in turn prevents the grass’s roots from receiving the optimal amount of resources it needs to grow and thrive. You can either perforate the soil manually using a hand rake or simply hire professionals to perform this task for you.



Although the growth of grass slows down during the winter season, it still needs a steady supply of nutrients. Have your lawn’s soil checked first to ascertain what nutrients it lacks and then purchase the appropriate fertiliser with the right combination of nutrients.

 Stop watering

Unless the grass looks very dry, you do not have to water your lawn. If you must water your lawn, do it early in the morning. Over-watering the lawn during the winter can only leave the grass vulnerable to fungi.

If you ever need any assistance caring for your lawn in winter, please don’t hesitate to call the professionals at Jim’s mowing on 131 546 for a free no obligation quote or simply book online! The Jim’s Mowing team are more than happy to help you!