Rows of thickly planted hedges are a spectacular way to define your border and boundary, and to keep pets and children out or in.
Just like every shrub, hedges need frequent and regular watering, pruning and feeding to look really great. People usually forget to water the root during hot weather, or apply fertilizer very early in spring at the 10-10-10 formula. It is critical for the hedge’s long term health that it is regularly and properly pruned.
Here are some tips to fix common mistakes when pruning:
Shearing hedges without using a hand prune: Using a shear whether it is a power trimmer or a hand held pruner with a long scissor-like blade to get rid of branches tips makes you hedges tidy and very neat, this also enhances the production of bud near the plants edges. Furthermore, as the buds multiply, the shrub might get so thick that sunlight will be unable to penetrate which will prevent interior growth. This gives rise to a hedge that grows larger and larger every year and is lifeless on the inside. Proper pruning allows sunlight penetration and in turn enable you cut through shrubs so that they won’t get so big.
Pruning at the wrong time: hedges should be pruned basically in late winter, when plant produces buds but are dormant, especially if you want to cut back drastically. It is not so good to allow them break bud before pruning because plants should have enough energy to product new growth where you want them. Usually, energy spent energy are being cut off when you remove or cut off a plant bud and it basically takes some time for the hedges to fill back out.
Not shaping hedges such that the top is narrower than the bottom: Most hedges will begin to widen at the top simple because they receive more sunlight there than every other
If you find pruning hedges intimidating (like most people), call Jim’s Mowing on 131 546 for a free, no-obligation quote or book online.