Need Commercial Gardening and Mowing contractors in Lake Macquarie?
We offer commercial contract gardening and lawn mowing services in Lake Macquarie, catering to real estate agents and landlords, businesses, schools and universities, hospitals and more.
We even offer same day gardening services if our scheduled permits.Just call Commercial Gardening services on 131 546 or you can book a commercial lawn mowing job online for a time that suits or schedule a free, no obligation quote.
Gardening and Lawn Mowing prices can vary depending on the size, topography, layout, plantings and overall state of the garden currently, so it is usually best for us to view the garden first to provide an accurate estimate of costs.
Ensure your business is professionally maintained & presented by Jim's contract gardening team. We can complete all aspects of gardening maintenance including regular mowing, pruning, edging, fertilising and mulching. We can also address one-off and seasonal gardening projects, such as turfing, irrigation solutions, landscaping, rubbish removal and gutter cleaning.
Jim's Commercial Mowing services in Lake Macquarie offer fully trained staff, who can advise you on all aspects of garden care, from plant selection, pruning, fertilization and mulching schedules, watering frequency, pest control, soil pH, plant feed, weeding and wetting agents best suited to each plant, tree and lawn type. It is important that trees, flowers and plants are not damaged when fertilized or mulched.Likewise, watering too frequently can deteriorate soil nutrients and change soil pH levels, reducing the lushness of plants and lawns.Our fully trained gardening team know this, and so much more, so don't leave your business's gardening care to just anyone.
Be assured that all Jim's Commercial Mowing staff are required to have a current police check, are fully insured and fully trained.
Jim's Commercial Customers can be assured that all work is fully OH&S compliant, and work will be carried out to suit their need, including outside of normal business hours, if required.
Call Jim's Gardening Commercial Services in Lake Macquarie on 131 546 now or Book a Jim's Contract Gardening Service online, today.
Basic Information On Soil, Mulch and Compost
You can expect soil, mulch and compost to feature regularly in a gardener’s thoughts and conversations. You can expect to discuss them too if you’ve been fortunate enough to have sufficient lawn or yard space in your property. At the very least, learn the fundamentals so you can actively work toward a thriving garden whether […] … Read More
Overcoming the Challenges of Gardening by the Seaside
You wake up greeted by a stunning view and are lulled to sleep by the gentle sound the sea makes when it caresses the beach. Is it too much to ask for a blooming garden? Almost all coastal property owners will tell you that gardening is like a losing battle. Simply put, the elements that […] … Read More
Important Tips on Pruning Plants
To keep your plants in shape, regular pruning is required whether your plants are grown inside or outside. Be careful though, over-pruning can be hazardous so it’s extremely important to know which plants to prune, when to prune and how. It is best to prune fruiting and flowering plants whilst they are not in bloom, […] … Read More
Jim's Mowing and Gardening Services in Lake Macquarie
- Lake Macquarie Contract Mowing
- Lake Macquarie Gardeners
- Lake Macquarie Gardening Services
- Lake Macquarie Gutter Cleaning
- Lake Macquarie Landscaping
- Lake Macquarie Lawn Mowing
- Lake Macquarie Rubbish Removal
NSW Suburbs Index
Contract Mowing Suburbs in Lake Macquarie Region
- Arcadia Vale Contract Mowing
- Argenton Contract Mowing
- Avondale Contract Mowing
- Awaba Contract Mowing
- Balcolyn Contract Mowing
- Balmoral Contract Mowing
- Barnsley Contract Mowing
- Bayswater Contract Mowing
- Belmont North Contract Mowing
- Belmont South Contract Mowing
- Belmont Contract Mowing
- Bennetts Green Contract Mowing
- Blackalls Park Contract Mowing
- Blacksmiths Contract Mowing
- Bolton Point Contract Mowing
- Bonnells Bay Contract Mowing
- Boolaroo Contract Mowing
- Booragul Contract Mowing
- Brightwaters Contract Mowing
- Bulgonia Contract Mowing
- Buttaba Contract Mowing
- Cameron Park Contract Mowing
- Cams Wharf Contract Mowing
- Cardiff Heights Contract Mowing
- Cardiff South Contract Mowing
- Cardiff Contract Mowing
- Carey Bay Contract Mowing
- Catherine Hill Bay Contract Mowing
- Caves Beach Contract Mowing
- Charlestown Contract Mowing
- Coal Point Contract Mowing
- Cockle Creek Contract Mowing
- Cooranbong Contract Mowing
- Croudace Bay Contract Mowing
- Dora Creek Contract Mowing
- Dudley Contract Mowing
- Edgeworth Contract Mowing
- Eleebana Contract Mowing
- Eraring Contract Mowing
- Estelville Contract Mowing
- Fairley Contract Mowing
- Fassifern Contract Mowing
- Fennell Bay Contract Mowing
- Fishing Point Contract Mowing
- Floraville Contract Mowing
- Freemans Waterhole Contract Mowing
- Garden City Contract Mowing
- Garden Suburb Contract Mowing
- Gateshead West Contract Mowing
- Gateshead Contract Mowing
- Glendale Contract Mowing
- Hillsborough Contract Mowing
- Holmesville Contract Mowing
- Jewells Crossing Contract Mowing
- Jewells Contract Mowing
- Kahibah Contract Mowing
- Kendall Grange Contract Mowing
- Kilaben Bay Contract Mowing
- Killingworth Contract Mowing
- Lake Macquarie Contract Mowing
- Lake View Contract Mowing
- Lakelands Contract Mowing
- Little Pelican Contract Mowing
- Macquarie Hills Contract Mowing
- Mandalong Contract Mowing
- Marks Point Contract Mowing
- Marmong Point Contract Mowing
- Martinsville Contract Mowing
- Middle Camp Contract Mowing
- Mirrabooka Contract Mowing
- Morisset Park Contract Mowing
- Morisset Contract Mowing
- Mount Hutton Contract Mowing
- Myuna Bay Contract Mowing
- New Lambton Heights Contract Mowing
- Nords Wharf Contract Mowing
- Odonnell Town Contract Mowing
- Pelican Flat Contract Mowing
- Pelican Flats Contract Mowing
- Pelican Contract Mowing
- Rathmines Contract Mowing
- Redhead Contract Mowing
- Ryhope Contract Mowing
- Seahampton Contract Mowing
- Silverwater Contract Mowing
- Skye Point Contract Mowing
- Speers Point Contract Mowing
- Stingaree Point Contract Mowing
- Sunshine Contract Mowing
- Swansea Heads Contract Mowing
- Swansea Contract Mowing
- Teralba Contract Mowing
- Tingira Heights Contract Mowing
- Toronto West Contract Mowing
- Toronto Contract Mowing
- Valentine Contract Mowing
- Violet Town Contract Mowing
- Wakefield Contract Mowing
- Wangi Point Contract Mowing
- Wangi Wangi Contract Mowing
- Wangi Contract Mowing
- Warners Bay Contract Mowing
- West Wallsend Contract Mowing
- Whitebridge Contract Mowing
- Windale Contract Mowing
- Windermere Park Contract Mowing
- Woodrising Contract Mowing
- Wyee Point Contract Mowing
- Wyee Contract Mowing
- Yarrawonga Park Contract Mowing