Need Commercial Gardening and Mowing contractors in Port Stephens?
We offer commercial contract gardening and lawn mowing services in Port Stephens, catering to real estate agents and landlords, businesses, schools and universities, hospitals and more.
We even offer same day gardening services if our scheduled permits.Just call Commercial Gardening services on 131 546 or you can book a commercial lawn mowing job online for a time that suits or schedule a free, no obligation quote.
Gardening and Lawn Mowing prices can vary depending on the size, topography, layout, plantings and overall state of the garden currently, so it is usually best for us to view the garden first to provide an accurate estimate of costs.
Ensure your business is professionally maintained & presented by Jim's contract gardening team. We can complete all aspects of gardening maintenance including regular mowing, pruning, edging, fertilising and mulching. We can also address one-off and seasonal gardening projects, such as turfing, irrigation solutions, landscaping, rubbish removal and gutter cleaning.
Jim's Commercial Mowing services in Port Stephens offer fully trained staff, who can advise you on all aspects of garden care, from plant selection, pruning, fertilization and mulching schedules, watering frequency, pest control, soil pH, plant feed, weeding and wetting agents best suited to each plant, tree and lawn type. It is important that trees, flowers and plants are not damaged when fertilized or mulched.Likewise, watering too frequently can deteriorate soil nutrients and change soil pH levels, reducing the lushness of plants and lawns.Our fully trained gardening team know this, and so much more, so don't leave your business's gardening care to just anyone.
Be assured that all Jim's Commercial Mowing staff are required to have a current police check, are fully insured and fully trained.
Jim's Commercial Customers can be assured that all work is fully OH&S compliant, and work will be carried out to suit their need, including outside of normal business hours, if required.
Call Jim's Gardening Commercial Services in Port Stephens on 131 546 now or Book a Jim's Contract Gardening Service online, today.
6 Reasons for Going with Jim’s Mowing Franchise
There are a number of advantages to being involved in the Jim’s Mowing System. Being number one gives Jim’s Mowing Franchisees a huge advantage when it comes to work. As a group at most times of the year we have more work than they can handle, in fact, around 30,000 jobs go unserviced each year. […] … Read More
The Importance Of Regular Gutter Cleaning
Gutters are vital roofing components; they direct water away from the house in order to effectively preserve the non-waterproof elements of the structure. However, a lot of homeowners are guilty of neglecting proper maintenance of their gutters. They allow dirt and other debris to build up in them and block the pathway of rainwater caught […] … Read More
The Scourge Of Aphids And How To Manage Them
We’ve all heard of them. We all hope they never rear they’re destructive heads. Until the one day you walk out into your beautiful garden to find it teeming with life, not the stoic green plants you have come to cherish like a member of the family but the miniscule leaf dwelling bugs that are […] … Read More
Jim's Mowing and Gardening Services in Port Stephens
- Port Stephens Contract Mowing
- Port Stephens Gardeners
- Port Stephens Gardening Services
- Port Stephens Gutter Cleaning
- Port Stephens Landscaping
- Port Stephens Lawn Mowing
- Port Stephens Rubbish Removal
NSW Suburbs Index
Contract Mowing Suburbs in Port Stephens Region
- Anna Bay Contract Mowing
- Balickera Contract Mowing
- Bardouroka Contract Mowing
- Birubi Point Contract Mowing
- Boat Harbour Contract Mowing
- Bobs Farm Contract Mowing
- Bowthorne Contract Mowing
- Brandy Hill Contract Mowing
- Butterwick Contract Mowing
- Campvale Contract Mowing
- Corlette Contract Mowing
- Cromartys Bay Contract Mowing
- Dora Bank Contract Mowing
- Duns Creek Contract Mowing
- Dutchmans Bay Contract Mowing
- Eagleton Contract Mowing
- East Seaham Contract Mowing
- Fenninghams Island Contract Mowing
- Fern Bay Contract Mowing
- Ferodale Contract Mowing
- Fingal Bay Contract Mowing
- Fishermans Bay Contract Mowing
- Fly Point Contract Mowing
- Fullerton Cove Contract Mowing
- Gan Gan Contract Mowing
- Glen Oak Contract Mowing
- Grahamstown Contract Mowing
- Greswick Contract Mowing
- Halifax Park Contract Mowing
- Heatherbrae Contract Mowing
- Hinton Contract Mowing
- Iona Contract Mowing
- Irrawang Contract Mowing
- Kangaroo Point Contract Mowing
- Karuah Contract Mowing
- Kooindah Contract Mowing
- Lemon Tree Passage Contract Mowing
- Little Salamander Bay Contract Mowing
- Mallabula Contract Mowing
- Medowie Contract Mowing
- Morna Point Contract Mowing
- Motto Farm Contract Mowing
- Mount Kanwary Contract Mowing
- Mulwee Contract Mowing
- Muree Chase Contract Mowing
- Nelson Bay Contract Mowing
- Nelsons Plains Contract Mowing
- Nine Mile Creek Contract Mowing
- One Mile Beach Contract Mowing
- One Mile Contract Mowing
- Osterley Contract Mowing
- Oyster Cove Contract Mowing
- Port Stephens Contract Mowing
- Raymond Terrace East Contract Mowing
- Raymond Terrace Contract Mowing
- Salamander Bay Contract Mowing
- Salt Ash Contract Mowing
- Sandy Point Contract Mowing
- Seaham Contract Mowing
- Shoal Bay Contract Mowing
- Soldiers Point Contract Mowing
- Swan Bay Contract Mowing
- Swan Reach Contract Mowing
- Tanilba Bay Contract Mowing
- Taylors Beach Contract Mowing
- Tomago Contract Mowing
- Tomaree Contract Mowing
- Twelve Mile Creek Contract Mowing
- Wallalong Contract Mowing
- Wanda Beach Contract Mowing
- Williamtown Raaf Base Contract Mowing
- Williamtown Contract Mowing
- Woodville Contract Mowing