Need Commercial Gardening and Mowing contractors in Karumba?
We offer commercial contract gardening and lawn mowing services in Karumba, catering to real estate agents and landlords, businesses, schools and universities, hospitals and more.
We even offer same day gardening services if our scheduled permits.Just call Commercial Gardening services on 131 546 or you can book a commercial lawn mowing job online for a time that suits or schedule a free, no obligation quote.
Gardening and Lawn Mowing prices can vary depending on the size, topography, layout, plantings and overall state of the garden currently, so it is usually best for us to view the garden first to provide an accurate estimate of costs.
Ensure your business is professionally maintained & presented by Jim's contract gardening team. We can complete all aspects of gardening maintenance including regular mowing, pruning, edging, fertilising and mulching. We can also address one-off and seasonal gardening projects, such as turfing, irrigation solutions, landscaping, rubbish removal and gutter cleaning.
Jim's Commercial Mowing services in Karumba offer fully trained staff, who can advise you on all aspects of garden care, from plant selection, pruning, fertilization and mulching schedules, watering frequency, pest control, soil pH, plant feed, weeding and wetting agents best suited to each plant, tree and lawn type. It is important that trees, flowers and plants are not damaged when fertilized or mulched.Likewise, watering too frequently can deteriorate soil nutrients and change soil pH levels, reducing the lushness of plants and lawns.Our fully trained gardening team know this, and so much more, so don't leave your business's gardening care to just anyone.
Be assured that all Jim's Commercial Mowing staff are required to have a current police check, are fully insured and fully trained.
Jim's Commercial Customers can be assured that all work is fully OH&S compliant, and work will be carried out to suit their need, including outside of normal business hours, if required.
Call Jim's Gardening Commercial Services in Karumba on 131 546 now or Book a Jim's Contract Gardening Service online, today.
Fertilising Your Garden
Although fertilisers are a vital part of producing healthy plants they can also cause substantial environmental destruction and should be used cautiously. Applying unnecessary amounts of fertilisers can result in the movement of nutrients into waterways triggering algal blooms and other environmental complications. There are 2 key ways of fertilising your garden: 1) You can […] … Read More
6 Reasons for Going with Jim’s Mowing Franchise
There are a number of advantages to being involved in the Jim’s Mowing System. Being number one gives Jim’s Mowing Franchisees a huge advantage when it comes to work. As a group at most times of the year we have more work than they can handle, in fact, around 30,000 jobs go unserviced each year. […] … Read More
Using Grey Water in the Garden
With the general interest in conserving water and, consequently, also saving money, many are interested to learn how feasible it is to use grey water for irrigating lawns and gardens. What exactly is grey water and how can it be reused? Technically, grey water is household wastewater from the laundry and the bathroom (just the […] … Read More
Jim's Mowing and Gardening Services in Karumba
- Karumba Contract Mowing
- Karumba Gardeners
- Karumba Gardening Services
- Karumba Gutter Cleaning
- Karumba Landscaping
- Karumba Lawn Mowing
- Karumba Rubbish Removal
QLD Suburbs Index
Contract Mowing Suburbs in Karumba Region
- Augustus Downs Contract Mowing
- Bang Bang Contract Mowing
- Bountiful Islands Contract Mowing
- Carpentaria Contract Mowing
- Clearskin Contract Mowing
- Cowan Downs Contract Mowing
- Daroo Pocket Contract Mowing
- Delta Downs Contract Mowing
- Donors Hill Contract Mowing
- Dorunda Contract Mowing
- Double Lagoon Contract Mowing
- Dunbar Contract Mowing
- Endymion Contract Mowing
- Evatts Hut Contract Mowing
- Fielding Contract Mowing
- Flinders Junction Contract Mowing
- Galbraith Contract Mowing
- Gilbert Pocket Contract Mowing
- Glencoe Contract Mowing
- Glenore Contract Mowing
- Goothinga Contract Mowing
- Howitt Contract Mowing
- Hull Corner Contract Mowing
- Iffley Contract Mowing
- Inkerman Contract Mowing
- Inverleigh Contract Mowing
- Jacks Pocket Contract Mowing
- Jacks Pocket Contract Mowing
- Karumba Contract Mowing
- Kelso Pocket Contract Mowing
- Koolatah Contract Mowing
- Lochnagar Contract Mowing
- Lorraine Contract Mowing
- Lotus Vale Contract Mowing
- Macaroni Contract Mowing
- Maggieville Contract Mowing
- Magoura Contract Mowing
- Maramie Contract Mowing
- Margaret Vale Contract Mowing
- Mcallister Contract Mowing
- Milgarra Contract Mowing
- Miranda Downs Contract Mowing
- Miranda Contract Mowing
- Monars Pocket Contract Mowing
- Mutton Hole Contract Mowing
- Myola Contract Mowing
- Myra Vale Contract Mowing
- Neumayer Valley Contract Mowing
- Norman Contract Mowing
- Normanton Contract Mowing
- Paddy Paddy Contract Mowing
- Plain Creek Contract Mowing
- Rutland Plains Contract Mowing
- Savannah Contract Mowing
- Shady Lagoon Contract Mowing
- Six Mile Lagoon Contract Mowing
- Stirling Contract Mowing
- Stokes Contract Mowing
- Sweers Island Contract Mowing
- Talawanta Contract Mowing
- The Four Corners Contract Mowing
- Trebanaman Contract Mowing
- Trenton Contract Mowing
- Vanrook Contract Mowing
- Vena Park Contract Mowing
- Walkers Bend Contract Mowing
- Warren Vale Contract Mowing
- Wernadinga Contract Mowing
- Wondoola Contract Mowing
- Yagoonya Contract Mowing
- Yagooyna Contract Mowing