Need Commercial Gardening and Mowing contractors in Weipa?
We offer commercial contract gardening and lawn mowing services in Weipa, catering to real estate agents and landlords, businesses, schools and universities, hospitals and more.
We even offer same day gardening services if our scheduled permits.Just call Commercial Gardening services on 131 546 or you can book a commercial lawn mowing job online for a time that suits or schedule a free, no obligation quote.
Gardening and Lawn Mowing prices can vary depending on the size, topography, layout, plantings and overall state of the garden currently, so it is usually best for us to view the garden first to provide an accurate estimate of costs.
Ensure your business is professionally maintained & presented by Jim's contract gardening team. We can complete all aspects of gardening maintenance including regular mowing, pruning, edging, fertilising and mulching. We can also address one-off and seasonal gardening projects, such as turfing, irrigation solutions, landscaping, rubbish removal and gutter cleaning.
Jim's Commercial Mowing services in Weipa offer fully trained staff, who can advise you on all aspects of garden care, from plant selection, pruning, fertilization and mulching schedules, watering frequency, pest control, soil pH, plant feed, weeding and wetting agents best suited to each plant, tree and lawn type. It is important that trees, flowers and plants are not damaged when fertilized or mulched.Likewise, watering too frequently can deteriorate soil nutrients and change soil pH levels, reducing the lushness of plants and lawns.Our fully trained gardening team know this, and so much more, so don't leave your business's gardening care to just anyone.
Be assured that all Jim's Commercial Mowing staff are required to have a current police check, are fully insured and fully trained.
Jim's Commercial Customers can be assured that all work is fully OH&S compliant, and work will be carried out to suit their need, including outside of normal business hours, if required.
Call Jim's Gardening Commercial Services in Weipa on 131 546 now or Book a Jim's Contract Gardening Service online, today.
Make Your Garden a Wildlife Sanctuary
Gardeners are in the front line of the battle to preserve nature. These simple measures will help provide food and habitats for a healthy eco-system in your back yard. Guidelines for Drawing Wildlife to Your Garden Australian gardeners have a brilliant opportunity to experience the pleasures of our exceptional flora and fauna. Vast areas of […] … Read More
Our Recommendations for the Best Backyard Citrus Trees
Very few fruits can rival citrus fruits when it comes to versatility. They’re used in a wide variety of cuisines and they remain one of the more popular flavours for beverages and desserts. Furthermore, citrus fruits are commonly used in a wide range of non-food items, from dishwashing liquids to perfumes and cosmetics. It is […] … Read More
Why You Need to Call the Pros – Dangers of DIY Gutter Cleaning
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Jim's Mowing and Gardening Services in Weipa
- Weipa Contract Mowing
- Weipa Gardeners
- Weipa Gardening Services
- Weipa Gutter Cleaning
- Weipa Landscaping
- Weipa Lawn Mowing
- Weipa Rubbish Removal
QLD Suburbs Index
Contract Mowing Suburbs in Weipa Region
- Aurukun Contract Mowing
- Evans Landing Contract Mowing
- Kuchendooben Contract Mowing
- Mapoon Contract Mowing
- Marpuna Contract Mowing
- Mission River Contract Mowing
- Nanum Contract Mowing
- Napranum Contract Mowing
- New Mapoon Contract Mowing
- Rocky Point Contract Mowing
- Trunding Contract Mowing
- Weipa Airport Contract Mowing
- Weipa Contract Mowing