QLD "P" - Jim's Mowing and Gardening 1300 191 565
QLD Suburbs Index
QLD Suburbs Index - P
- Pacific Harbour, 4507
- Pacific Haven, 4659
- Pacific Heights, 4703
- Pacific Paradise, 4564
- Pacific Pines, 4211
- Packe Island, 4875
- Packers Camp, 4871
- Paddington, 4064
- Paddy Paddy, 4871
- Paddys Green, 4880
- Pagalla, 4816
- Paget, 4740
- Pains Island, 4871
- Pajingo, 4820
- Pakula, 4741
- Palardo, 4425
- Palen Creek, 4287
- Palgrave, 4370
- Palgrove, 4370
- Pallara, 4110
- Pallarenda, 4810
- Palm Bay, 4741
- Palm Beach, 4221
- Palm Cove, 4879
- Palm Creek, 4850
- Palm Grove, 4800
- Palm Island, 4816
- Palm Tree, 4352
- Palm Tree, 4741
- Palm Tree Creek, 4741
- Palma, 4861
- Palmer, 4871
- Palmerston, 4860
- Palmerston, 4886
- Palmerville, 4871
- Palmview, 4553
- Palmwoods, 4555
- Palmyra, 4751
- Palparara, 4481
- Paluma, 4816
- Palustrine, 4490
- Pampas, 4352
- Pampas Downs, 4352
- Pandora Park, 4730
- Pangie, 4480
- Panjoo, 4854
- Panorama Lookout, 4800
- Parada, 4872
- Paradise, 4621
- Paradise, 4726
- Paradise Downs, 4721
- Paradise Downs, 4472
- Paradise Island, 4217
- Paradise Point, 4216
- Paradise Point Keys, 4216
- Paradise Waters, 4217
- Paramount, 4871
- Parapi, 4740
- Paree, 4341
- Park Avenue, 4701
- Park Ridge, 4125
- Park Ridge South, 4125
- Parkdale, 4730
- Parke State School, 4650
- Parker Island, 4172
- Parkgate, 4725
- Parkhurst, 4702
- Parkinson, 4115
- Parklands, 4560
- Parknook, 4417
- Parkside, 4807
- Parkside, 4825
- Parkwood, 4214
- Parliament House Brisbane, 4000
- Parnabal, 4702
- Parrabinna, 4492
- Parramatta, 4870
- Parramatta Park, 4870
- Parrearra, 4575
- Parremar Island, 4875
- Parsons Point, 4680
- Partington, 4811
- Pasha, 4721
- Passchendaele, 4375
- Passmore, 4380
- Paterson, 4570
- Pathungra, 4829
- Paton Downs, 4829
- Patricia Vale, 4824
- Patrick, 4725
- Patrick Estate, 4311
- Patroy, 4822
- Pauls Pocket, 4800
- Paulvue, 4727
- Pawngilly, 4871
- Peach Hollow, 4816
- Peachester, 4519
- Peacock Siding, 4850
- Peak Crossing, 4306
- Peak Downs, 4702
- Peak Downs Mine, 4744
- Peak Vale, 4721
- Pearce Flat, 4872
- Pearlinga, 4626
- Peawaddy, 4722
- Pebble Beach, 4511
- Pebbly Beach, 4873
- Pechey, 4352
- Peek A Doo, 4420
- Peel Island, 4184
- Peenam, 4601
- Peeramon, 4885
- Peewee Bend, 4060
- Peggys Pocket, 4741
- Pelham, 4415
- Pelican, 4413
- Pelican Beach, 4217
- Pelican Creek, 4726
- Pelican Waters, 4551
- Pelorus Island, 4816
- Pemberley, 4731
- Pemberton, 4670
- Pengarry, 4350
- Penlan Downs, 4730
- Penola Downs, 4823
- Penolva, 4626
- Penrith, 4730
- Penrith Island, 4741
- Pentecost Island, 4741
- Pentland, 4816
- Penwhaupell, 4625
- Pepatra, 4871
- Peranga, 4352
- Perch Creek, 4702
- Percol Plains, 4823
- Percy Isles, 4707
- Peregian Beach, 4573
- Peregian Beach South, 4573
- Perrebinpa Point, 4184
- Perrys Knob, 4340
- Perseverance, 4352
- Perseverance Island, 4803
- Perthton, 4421
- Perulpa Island, 4184
- Perwillowen, 4560
- Peteril Island, 4741
- Peters Island, 4807
- Petford, 4871
- Petrie, 4502
- Petrie Terrace, 4000
- Petrona, 4722
- Pheasant Creek, 4702
- Phillippi Town, 4671
- Phillips Camp, 4807
- Philpott, 4626
- Philpott Creek, 4626
- Pialah, 4822
- Pialaway Downs, 4730
- Pialba, 4655
- Piara, 4876
- Piastre, 4480
- Picardy, 4742
- Picarilli, 4492
- Pickanjinnie, 4428
- Picnic Bay, 4819
- Picnic Crossing, 4883
- Picnic Point, 4350
- Pidna, 4614
- Pie Creek, 4570
- Piemonte, 4872
- Pierce Creek, 4355
- Piggabeen Crossing Place, 4228
- Piggott, 4626
- Pikedale, 4380
- Pikedale Gold Fields, 4380
- Pikes Creek, 4380
- Pile Gully, 4625
- Pilerwa, 4650
- Pilton, 4361
- Pilton Upper, 4361
- Pimlico, 4812
- Pimpama, 4209
- Pimpama Island, 4208
- Pimpimbudgee, 4615
- Pimple, 4025
- Pin Gin Hill, 4860
- Pinbarren, 4568
- Pinbarren Creek, 4568
- Pindari Hills, 4211
- Pindi Pindi, 4798
- Pine Creek, 4670
- Pine Creek, 4275
- Pine Hill, 4724
- Pine Hills, 4416
- Pine Hills, 4420
- Pine Island, 4741
- Pine Meadows, 4818
- Pine Mountain, 4306
- Pine Valley, 4650
- Pinedale, 4630
- Pinedale, 4413
- Pinehill, 4724
- Pinelands, 4355
- Pines Estate, 4357
- Pinevale, 4754
- Pingine, 4475
- Pinjarra Hills, 4069
- Pink Lily, 4702
- Pinkenba, 4008
- Pinkenetta, 4480
- Pinkilla, 4480
- Pinklands, 4164
- Pinnacle, 4741
- Pinnacle, 4470
- Pinnacle, 4871
- Pinnacle Hill, 4850
- Pinnacle Pocket, 4883
- Pinnacles, 4815
- Pioneer, 4825
- Pioneer, 4721
- Pioneer, 4807
- Pioneer Estate, 4808
- Pioneers Rest, 4650
- Pipewell, 4405
- Piralko, 4809
- Pirrinuan, 4405
- Pisonia Island, 4871
- Pitchfork Camp, 4830
- Pitherty, 4490
- Pittsworth, 4356
- Piturie, 4825
- Placid Hills, 4343
- Plain Creek, 4890
- Plain View, 4352
- Plainby, 4355
- Plainby, 4822
- Plainland, 4341
- Plane Creek, 4741
- Plane Creek West, 4737
- Planella, 4740
- Planet, 4481
- Planet Downs, 4830
- Planet Downs, 4722
- Plantation Creek, 4807
- Planted Creek, 4601
- Plevna Downs, 4480
- Pleystowe, 4741
- Plunkett, 4270
- Pocket Creek, 4702
- Poid, 4875
- Poinsetta, 4702
- Point Arkwright, 4573
- Point Halloran, 4165
- Point Lookout, 4183
- Point Pininpinin, 4184
- Point Talburpin, 4165
- Point Vernon, 4655
- Poison Creek, 4714
- Police Creek, 4680
- Politic, 4726
- Polka Corner, 4871
- Pollygammon, 4829
- Polmaily, 4677
- Pombel, 4850
- Pomona, 4568
- Pony Hills, 4454
- Poole Island, 4805
- Poona, 4650
- Poopoonbah, 4809
- Porcupine, 4821
- Porlock, 4341
- Pormpuraaw, 4871
- Port Alma, 4699
- Port Bundaberg, 4670
- Port Curtis, 4700
- Port Douglas, 4877
- Port Lihou Island, 4875
- Port Newry, 4741
- Port Of Brisbane, 4178
- Port Stewart, 4871
- Port Wine, 4724
- Porters Gap, 4408
- Portland Downs, 4727
- Portland Roads, 4871
- Portsmith, 4870
- Portwine, 4724
- Poruma, 4875
- Poseidon, 4477
- Possession Creek, 4465
- Possession Island, 4875
- Postmans Ridge, 4352
- Potters Flat, 4427
- Potts Point, 4184
- Poudalandyalbetser, 4154
- Powella, 4726
- Poyungan Creek, 4650
- Poyungan Rocks, 4650
- Poyungan Valley, 4650
- Pozieres, 4352
- Prairie, 4480
- Prairie, 4816
- Prairie, 4702
- Prairie East, 4403
- Prairie West, 4403
- Pratten, 4370
- Praunsley, 4361
- Prawle, 4650
- Prenzlau, 4311
- Preston, 4352
- Preston, 4800
- Prestwood, 4871
- Pretty Bend, 4805
- Pretty Pines, 4470
- Pretty Plains, 4702
- Priestdale, 4127
- Prince Henry Heights, 4350
- Prince Of Wales, 4875
- Princess Alexandra Hospital, 4102
- Princess Hills, 4872
- Princhester, 4702
- Priora, 4721
- Priors Pocket, 4070
- Proa, 4816
- Promisedland, 4660
- Proserpine, 4800
- Prospect, 4403
- Prospect, 4871
- Prospect, 4715
- Proston, 4613
- Prudhoe Island, 4737
- Pukanja, 4880
- Pullenvale, 4069
- Pumpkin Hut, 4626
- Punchs Creek, 4357
- Punjaub, 4830
- Punsand, 4876
- Purbrook, 4722
- Purcell Pocket, 4885
- Purga, 4306
- Purga Creek, 4306
- Purona, 4818
- Purono, 4818
- Purrawunda, 4356
- Putora, 4472
- Pyealy, 4680
- Pymurra, 4824
- Pyramid, 4804
- Pyramid, 4865